Evaluating the strategic directions of innovative development of the shipbuilding industry in Latvia

Yu Kochetkov1, 2, B Aliev1
1Baltic International Academy, Lomonosova Str. 4, LV-1019 Riga, Latvia
2Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Information Technologies, Liepaya University, Liela Str. 14, LV-3401 Liepaya, Latvia
The shipbuilding industry in Latvia – the construction, repair and maintenance of ships and boats – plays an important role in the country’s economy. In the context of globalization, there is quite tough competition for orders and sales markets among shipbuilding companies of the world at the regional and global levels. Goal of the research – the analysis of the condition of the Latvian shipbuilding industry and the evaluation of main strategic directions of its innovative development. The research has allowed identifying the most important directions of innovative development of the shipbuilding and ship repair industry. It has been found that at present the most topical directions of innovations in the shipbuilding industry are the development of workers’ skills and improvement of the marketing system. There is an urgent need for the construction of new production facilities and repair of the existing ones. These main directions of innovations meet the first priority requirements of the industry and are necessary to improve its competitiveness. Without progress in the first three main directions of innovations, the successful development of the industry in all other directions is not possible.