Improvement combined metrics routing of IP-telephony

Improvement combined metrics routing of IP-telephony

N Vihrov, V Nikiforov, J Polugina, S Sokolov, A Nyrkov, V Gaskarov, A Zhilenkov

Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, Dvinskaya st., 5/7 198035, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
The introduction of modern technologies in the production process is a pledge of improving the quality and efficiency. The introduction of IP-telephony - is no exception. The purpose of this article is to analyze basic modern routing protocols, identification of deficiencies. The task - to propose ways to improve algorithms of traffic routing optimization. This article briefly described mechanism of action of static routing. More are detailed modern dynamic routing protocols. As examples are presented RIP, OSFP, IGRP, EIGRP protocols, as most implemented in modern routing devices. It was a comparative analysis, revealed the advantages and disadvan­tages of the algorithms given routing protocols, was shown comparative table of described protocols with basic characteristics. Based on analyzed data were revealed existing challenges of routing protocols such as lack of consideration of an unlimited number of criteria and non-obviousness of impact of priority criteria to choosing route . It was suggested the most optimal solution implementation of the algorithm routing protocol in case of IP telephony, which simultaneously takes into account any amount of criteria and allows the administrator to intuitively distribute the impact those or other criteria of channel that to choose route of traffic through the node. Was analyzed example of the work of proposed algorithm, the conclusions are made.