Study on the Theoretical Model Based on Image Processing Control System

Study on the Theoretical Model Based on Image Processing Control System

Jiaxian Li


College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Eastern Liaoning University,Dandong 118003, Liaoning, China

With the development of information technology, requirements for image processing have been increasing as well. Only by resolving problems such as image acquisition, processing and storage in the vision measurement process effectively can it be possible to obtain high-standard image information. Based on NI FlexRIO technology, this paper uses a new graphical development platform with the combination of related graphics processing technology to produce a real-time acquisition and processing system, thus realizing the acquisition, processing and storage of image information effectively. Through relevant experiments, the working performance of the system under certain circumstances can be tested. Finally, depending on the superior performance, the result shows that image acquisition and processing is also applicable to other areas of expertise.