A method applied the boundary of sea and land temperature retrieval for atmospheric information correction

Jinping Li, Zhifeng Liu, Zhenhua Wei
East China Institute of Technology, Economic Development Zone Guanglan Avenue 418, East China Institute of Technology, Nanchang 330013, China
A method applied in the boundary of sea and land for atmospheric correction was analyzed by the radiation information which was adopted from the same picture, and radiance of the boundary of sea and land was estimated by prorating the mixed element The estimation of the atmosphere transmissivity 0 could be given out, in which atmosphere parameter De was measured. And the effects were important actual efficiency and authentic. Simultaneity, several atmosphere patterns were selected by using atmosphere MODTRAN radiation transfer model program, and the different retrieval algorithms were contrasted by presuming the standard atmosphere from America. The fact that derives from study of the boundary of sea and land bears out that the correction method has evident effects and simple operation.