Optimization model of power system unit commitment allocation problem considering the value-point effect and its simulation analysis

Kai Zhang1, Tingsong Du1, 2, Tianbo Wang1, Wenqing Liu1
1Institute of Nonlinear and Complex Systems, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, China
2Hubei Province Key Laboratory of System Science in Metallurgical Process (Wuhan University of Science and Technology), Wuhan 430065, China
Based on the studies of the allocation problem of large-scale unit commitment in the power system, a mathematical optimization model is established involving the valve point effect of unit commitment. The optimal solution obtained from the method that the standard artificial fish swarm algorithm (AFSA) is applied to the commitment allocation problem of three-units improves the result recently reported in literature. Considering the visual selection of AFSA affects foraging, huddling and other activities and convergence performance much when increasing the unit size, the proposed improved artificial fish swarm algorithm(IAFSA) in this paper uses the linear decreasing vision function instead of the fixed vision. It can speed up the convergence, jump out of local convergence effectively, and obtain a global optimal solution. Finally, the simulation comparing experiment is conducted for commitment allocation problem of ten-units. The simulation result shows that the IAFSA not only improves the convergence but also enhances the global search capability.