The model construction and implementation of discrete physical system in industrial CPS

Huaping Zhou1, Xutong Zhang2
1Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan, China
2Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan, China
Cyber physical system referred as CPS, or information physical system, achieves the integrated coordination of the cyber world and the physical world. The collaborative system is more reliable and efficient. By analyzing the cyber physical system of integrated sense and control, the constructing approach of the discrete physical model is proposed and applied to mine surface production systems for CPS of the combination of discrete-time input and output and control functions. By modelling, analyzing and verifying the system, the cyber system and the physical system achieve deep fusion. On this basis, trusted software design, formal description methods and reasoning theory are established in the cyber physical system. It provides the authentication methods for the trusted software analysis and modelling of discrete physical system in the cyber physical system. The coal surface production system model is established by the model construction method of discrete physical systems in CPS proposed in this paper. The technology of computer, computer network and embedded systems is adopted to build the information world and achieve the integrated design and collaborative control of the subsystem in CPS. It is applied in a coal mine in the Huaibei Coal Mine Shares Limited Company and achieves good results. To speed up the wide applications to industries and enterprises of the CPS, a useful exploration is carried out in the paper.