Automation control and design application of factory sewage disposal system

Zhicheng Chen
Henan University of Technology, Henan Zhengzhou 450001
Intellectualization and automatization become the key technology of sewage disposal for effective realization of sewage disposal technology, continuous and stable operation of system and water quality standard. This paper took a full consideration on the function of online instrumentation in autonomous system and confirmed monitoring system scheme of three-in-one network (data, video and voice) and PLC control scheme adopting means of centralized management and decentralized control combining with sewage disposal technology. Factory adopts Ethernet looped network of optical fibre industry as backbone network for communication and located monitoring system at the central control room of comprehensive office building in sewage disposal factory. It realizes collection and monitoring of procedure parameter, analysis and processing of data, remote monitoring of core equipment. Coarse screen system subprogram, fine screen system screen, immersible pump subprogram, return sludge system program and return sludge system subprogram were detailed described according to technology requirement and design principle of PLC substation. It also discussed test quality guarantee of autonomous system.