Rapid detection of bedding boundaries based on borehole images

Xiang Zhang1, Wei Zhang2, Xiaoling Xiao1
1Key Laboratory of Exploration Technologies for Oil and Gas Resources, Ministry of Education, Yangtze University, Wuhan 430010, Hubei, China
2School of Geophysics and Oil Resources, Yangtze University, Wuhan 430010, Hubei, China
The bedding is an important sedimentary structure phenomenon. The rock bedding structure, the direction of sedimentary transportation and the ancient sedimentary environment analysis can be studied by extracting the bedding boundaries and dips. Electric imaging logging can provide rich information of a borehole wall and circumference, which reflects formation resistivity variations. The bedding boundaries are detected by using the electrical imaging logging data based on an image recognition method in this paper. On an oriented, unwrapped image of a cylindrical borehole, the trace of a planar-bedding boundary appears as a sine wave. The bedding boundaries are detected by the recognition of the sine curves in borehole image. The influence problems of bedding boundary detection caused by fractures and other geological events are solved by statistical analysis technology. Through the techniques of the slope fitting, the speed and accuracy problems of bedding boundary detection are solved, which has good anti-interference performance. The processed results of the theoretical models and the measured borehole images at the varied dip segment indicate that the detected bedding boundaries reflect the real situation, which are identical to those derived by the Autodip.