Spatial clustering algorithm with obstacles constraints based on artificial bee colony

Li-ping Sun1, 2, Yong-long Luo1, 2, Xin-tao Ding2, Fu-long Chen2
1College of National Territorial Resources and Tourism, Anhui Normal University, Anhui, 241000, China
2Engineering Technology Research Center of Network and Information Security, Anhui Normal University, Anhui, 241000, China
Spatial clustering is one of practical data mining technique. In this paper, artificial bee colony (ABC) is used for clustering algorithm, which aims to optimally partition N objects into K clusters in obstacle space. The ABC algorithm used for clustering analysis with obstacles constraints, called The ABC algorithm used for clustering analysis with obstacles constraints ABC-CO, is proposed in the paper. By comparison with the two classic clustering algorithms, k-medoids and COE-CLARANS, demonstrates the rationality and usability of the ABC-CO algorithm.