Design and implementation of acoustic target recognition system based on TMS320F2812

Zhigang Ma1, 2, Wenyi Liu2
1Key Laboratory of Instrumentation Science & Dynamic Measurement(North University of China), Ministry of Education, Science and Technology on Electronic Test & Measurement Laboratory, Taiyuan, 030051, China
2College of Information Science and Engineering, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu, 030801, China
In this paper, TMS320F2812 is adopted as the core component and the hardware circuit system is designed for acoustic target recognition, which includes signal conditioning circuit, A/D acquisition circuit, memory expanding circuit, power management circuit and data communication circuit, etc. The recognition algorithm was transplanted to the acoustic recognition system based on DSP, which enhanced the running rate in DSP. This system can accomplish acoustic signal sampling, pretreatment, feature extraction and recognition. On the basis of the simulation and real tests, it is proved that the acoustic target recognition system proposed in this paper is stable and reliable, which can satisfy the practical requirements.