Load balancing over redundant wireless sensor networks based on diffluent

Xikui Gao, Yan Bai, Yun Ju
School of Control and Computer Engineering, North China Electric Power University, 102206, China
As the traffic blocking probability of traditional hard load balancing algorithms is generally high over redundant wireless sensor networks, This paper proposes a load balancing algorithm based on dividing the packet flow (LBD) over redundant wireless sensor networks based on the idea of soft load balancing. In the scheme, through numerical analysis, obtain the optimal flow-dividing ratio to determine the volume of traffic delivered to each network, which maintains network load balance. From the theoretical and simulative perspectives, the paper analyses the performance parameters, and the analytical results show that the performance of the scheme is better than other schemes. Simulation results show that the proposed method outperforms traditional hard load balancing techniques in terms of traffic blocking and packet loss probabilities.