Application of halcon in the image analysis of dry cutting gear meshing region

Application of halcon in the image analysis of dry cutting gear meshing region

Jingang Gao, Shuang Zhang, Hua Wang

College of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Changchun Institute of Technology, Changchun 130012, China.

The master-slave bevel gear pair of some automobile rear axle is used to be as the research object, to obtain the image of the gear meshing contact region. Firstly, get the grey image of HSV space from RGB image to HSV space by the pre-processing algorithm; secondly, segment features of image accurately by the adaptive threshold segmentation algorithm; thirdly, fill the holes in the image of meshing region perfectly by proposed holes repair algorithm; fourthly, mark all connected domains of image with 4 -adjacent points domain labelling algorithm; finally, the Marking image area, width and the ratio of width and height features are selected to extract the image of the gear meshing region to obtain the geometry information of the gear meshing region. Research results show: contact centre E/L should be in 45% ~ 50%, and the length of the contact region B/L should be in 45% ~ 55%.