Opposite degree algorithm and its application in engineering data processing

Opposite degree algorithm and its application in engineering data processing

Xue-Chen Wang1, Xiao-Guang Yue1, Mostafa Ranjbar2, Sanjay Kumar Boddhu3, Maia Viera Cañiv4

1School Resources and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, 430070Wuhan, China
2Department of Mechanical Engineering,Eastern Mediterranean University,Famagusta, TRNC via Mersin 10, Turkey
3Wright State University&Qbase Inc., Dayton,45505Ohio, USA
4Center for Environmental Studies of Cienfuegos, Cuba

In order to analysis and predict data, a new intelligent algorithm (opposite degree algorithm) is used for actual engineering example. The algorithm is based on concept of prior numerical, posterior values and opposite degree in the nature. The human’s languages have positive words and negative words. The matrix method can calculate the opposite degree and predict data by considering data’s relationship and opposite degree. At the same time, relevant results are obtained through the opposite degree calculation by using the data of coal and gas outburst. After the comparison of the actual results, the accuracy of prediction is 100%. The preliminary validation of opposite degree algorithm shows that the algorithm is basically feasible and effective. If this algorithm can be improved, it is expected to be applied in practical fields more widely.