Construction quality risk management of projects on the basis of rough set and neural network

Jianbing Liu, Fang Guo
School of Economics and Management, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou, Jiangxi, China, 341000
Construction quality associated with the life of construction enterprises. Risk assessment of construction quality referred to a comprehensive evaluation of the degree of risk confronting construction units during the construction process. Construction units provide a decision-making basis for employers and supervisors, who considered the evaluations of construction quality and accidents in their decisions. The risk factors of construction project quality were classified into personal risk and material risk and machinery and equipment risk and method risk and environment risk. On the basis of these factors, we constructed an index system of project construction quality risk. The risk evaluation model of project construction quality was constructed on the basis of rough sets and neural networks. Finally, a case study residential building projects in the Ganzhou Development Zone and research tools of Rosetta based on rough sets and MATLAB7.0 based on neural networks were used to test model accuracy and reason ability. Empirical results showed that the model has great practical significance.