Design and implementation of a vibration cantilever energy harvester with suspended piezoelectric beam

Xiaojie Chen1,2, Chengjun Qiu1,,Hongmei Liu1, Wei Qu1, Yibo Liu1
1Key Laboratory of Electronics Engineering of Heilongjiang Province, HeilongjiangUniversity, Harbin, 150080, China
2The Collegeof Electronic and Information Engineering, HeilongjiangUniversity of Science and Technology, Harbin, 150027, China
The frequency response and energy conversion efficiency are the critical issue for vibration energy harvester. In this paper, a vibration energy harvester with suspended piezoelectric beam is proposed. This harvester structure is composed of a discrete support beam in the bottomand a suspended piezoelectric beam on top. This suspended beam structure is beneficial to the higher response frequencyand the energyconversion efficiency by applying the tension on the shear modepiezoelectric layer. An analytical bendingmodelof suspended piezoelectric beamis developed,based on the actual deformation: rotational andtranslational movement modes. The characteristic of suspended piezoelectric beam is also analyzed by Finite element method.Finally, a 1000:1 prototype is fabricated and measured. The optimums acquired experiment results show that it is matching well with the model.The maximum of output voltage is 6.5 V.