A collaboration ontology modeling method for high level architecture

Jinda Zhu1,2, Libing Liu1
1School of Mechanical Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300130, China
2College of Mechanical & Electronic Engineering, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang 050018, China
HLA (High Level Architecture) is the general technical framework for distributed modeling and simulation. But the object model of HLA cannot meet the requirements of semantic data consistency. A collaboration ontology modeling method was proposed for HLA simulation. Firstly, the definition and formal descriptionof collaborative ontology was provided, and constructing method was proposed, it mainly included two critical keys: the ontology template mapping and the conceptual matching degree calculation. Then, the corresponding tasks ontology was generatedaccording to thespecific goal of the simulation, and HLA object model was generated, the main structure of federate object model was designed. On the one hand, semantic data consistency in collaborative simulations for complex product development was enhanced and the efficiency of model development was improved. On the other hand, it improved the reusability of the simulation model. Finally, a case was provided to demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the way