An empirical analysis on the trade structure and trade competitiveness of Chinese creative industry: 1996-2010

Deling Zou 1, Haibin Cong2,3
1Institute of Modern Logistics,Zhejiang Wanli University, No.8 Qianhu Road,Ningbo 315100,Zhejiang, China
2 Business School , Ningbo University, No.818 Feng Hua Road, Ningbo 315211,Zhejiang, China
3 School of Economics, Nanjing University, No.22 Hankou Road, Nanjing 210093, China
With the extensive adjustment of world industrial structure & range, the trend transforming from the capital concentrated industry to the knowledge & technology intensive industry is more and more obvious. The creative capital with the core of knowledge creativity has become the key power for the core competitiveness and economic development of a country. The paper analyzes the industrial structure of Chinese creative industry by reviewing and researching related materials about Chinese creative industry trade, and studies Chinese creative industry’s trade competitiveness using the trade competitiveness index and the Michaely competitive advantage index by collecting the trade data of Chinese creative products in 1996~2010 and creative service royalty & license fee in 1997~2010. Results show that China can be called a “creative nation”, but its road to be a “creative power” is still long. On the one hand, the creative product shows strong competitiveness, but the advantages concentrate in labor intensive products and the competitiveness is still far from the creative powers for the creative products with strong original creativity and high technical input. On the other hand, for the division of creative product, sectors of handicraft, design and visual arts have relatively strong competitiveness, and printing sector shows a significant enhancing trend in international competitiveness according to the analysis on related indexes although its international competitiveness is not high and competitive advantage is not clear at present