K-nearest Neighbor Skyline Queries in Mobile Environment

Jing Nie1,Wei Weng 1, Linan Sun2
1Department of Software Engineering, Xiamen Institute of Software Technology, Xiamen,361024, China.
2College of Computer and Information Engineering, Xiamen University of Technology , Xiamen 361024, China;
With the popularity of portable mobile Internet device, the applications based on query are increasingly enriched. This kind of skyline query problems is not only related about the positions, but also the constantly moving queries. Range-base queries are widely used to solve the problem in recent algorithm, but focusing more on computing all skyline points. However, users are interested in nearby skyline points in mobile environments. Two different algorithms are proposed and the characteristics and applied range are analyzed in the paper to solve the problem, after researching relevant properties based on the basic concept of the skyline query.