Performance optimization of wavelength conversion ADMH algorithm in WDM optical network

Wei Feng1, Yurong Ma2, Bojiang Zhu1
1State Grid YiChun Electric Power Company, Yichun, 336000, Jiangxi, China
2State Grid JiangXi ShangGao County Electric Power Supply Company Limited, Yichun, 336000, Jiangxi, China
Aimed at the poor application performance issues of adaptive dynamic minimum hop routing algorithm (ADMH) in the wavelength conversion of WDM optical network, in this paper we present an improved ADMG algorithm based on ant colony algorithm. By using ant colony algorithm, we optimize the update rules of local and global link of ADMH algorithm when selecting route and obtain the global optimal value. Then, we set priority for links with different number of optical fibers. According to different number of available wavelengths, we calculate different selection probability and optimize the priority of wavelengths. Simulation results show that the performance of improved ADMH algorithm proposed in this paper based on ant colony algorithm is better than ADMG algorithm when the network traffic load is large.