Research for concurrent program data race checking algorithm in control system

HaoLiang1, YunfengAi2
1Company of Postgraduate Management, the Academy of Equipment, Beijing 101416, China
2College of Engineering & Information Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
The designing methods of multithreaded have already been used in control system widely. However the problems of data race, which are brought by multithreaded program, are being the difficulty in control system designing and testing currently. To this end, we optimized the thread-state analysis, designed the conservative lockset analysis. Further, We have introduced the thread-state analysis and conservative lockset analysis methods into Happens-Before relationship algorithm, designed a quick data race detecting method (DHTC) for control system multithreaded program with a certain hardware universality. The DHTC reduces the false alarm rate of Happens-Before relationship detecting methods, meanwhile improves the efficiency of dynamic checking greatly