Study on identification of structural damage to wind turbine blade based on modified fruit fly optimization algorithm

Gu Guimei, Wang Zheng
School of Automation and Electrical Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China
A damage diagnosis method was proposed based on modified fruit fly optimization algorithm for the identification of structural damage to wind turbine blade. By transforming the identification of structural damage into constrained optimization, this method identified the structural damage to wind turbine blade by fruit fly optimization with minimum inherent frequency and oscillation mode error as target function of constrained optimization. Given that the basic fruit fly optimization (FOA) has problems of partial optimization and low optimization accuracy, so chaos optimization algorithm was used to modify FOA. The numerical simulation of single- and multi-damage to wind turbine blade and various experiments of damage to small-scale wind turbine blade showed that modified fruit fly optimization (MFOA) can not only accurately identify the damage position, but also effectively identify the damage degree in detection of structural damage to wind turbine blade. Therefore, the identification accuracy of MFOA was obviously better than that of basic FOA and genetic algorithm (GA).