The research of filter tracking algorithm based on novel hybrid navigation positioning system

Anhong Tian, Chengbiao Fu
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Qujing Normal College, Qujing 655000, China
In order to overcome the deficiency of location failure caused by lack of GPS satellites in dense urban environment with skyscraper, in view of the advantages of terrestrial digital television signal. This paper proposes a novel hybrid positioning system combining GPS and DTMB, and the model of hybrid positioning system has also been presented. Under different number of particles, we simulate the tracking effect base on particle filter algorithm, theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the filtering trajectory is essentially consistent with true trajectory, good dynamic tracking effect is meet for the precision demand of urban environment, in addition, the more particle number, the better positioning accuracy, the smaller mean error and standard deviation. Thus in GPS blind areas, the fusion of multiple source signals has been utilized to ensure positioning accuracy, and the feasibility and superiority of combining GPS and DTMB has been verified in urban areas, the proposed method can be adopted as a supplement for urban environments in the case of GPS failure, which can improve the positioning performance of navigation system.