Voltage control strategy based on immune particle swarm optimization algorithm

Minghua Jiang
School of Telecom, ChongQing College of Electronic Engineering, ChongQing 401331, China
As a new swarm intelligence algorithm after Ant Colony Algorithm (ACA), Immune Particle Swarm Optimization (IPSO) is currently an important branch of evolutionary algorithm. Its basic idea is influenced and inspired by research results of their modeling and simulation of behaviors of swarms of birds in earlier periods. And their model and simulation algorithm mainly took use of biologist FrallkHeppner’s model. Though PSO algorithm has been effectively applied in many areas, it has a short development history and problems exist in global convergence. Because IPSO Algorithm has the characteristics of loose mathematical condition, fast convergence speed and simple programming, this paper tries to minimize transformer loss using the IPSO algorithm, providing a new method to solve the automatic voltage control problem (AVC problem).