A continuous integration environment building based on the research of C#.NET

JintanZhu1,XiangfengLiu2,Wei Wei3,PeiyiShen4
1Xi’an Railway Vocational and Technical institute, Xi’an 710014,China
2Shaanxi Institute Of Technolog Shaanxi, Xi’an 710300,China
3School of Computer Science and Engineering, Xi'an University of Technology,Xi’an 710048, China
4National school of Software, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China
In the software development process of the past, integration is a very painful thing, usually a long time to do integration, as a result, it can cause many problems. Continuous integration, which is the core of the agile development practice, was integrated in one day more than ten times or even dozens of times, so often integration can minimize conflict. Due to the frequent integration, there are few changes to be made each time, even under integration failure conditions; it is easy to locate errors.