An event-oriented real-time architecture for cyber-physical systems

Pengliu Tan, Sheng Zhang, Yunfeng Nie
Internet of Things Institute,Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang330063, Jiangxi, China
Cyber-Physical System (CPS) is an exciting emerging cross-over research area that faces many challenges. A CPSis a distributed and deeply embedded real-time system, which involves sensing, computation, communication, and control through heterogeneous and widely distributed physical devices and computational components. This paper extends our previous proposed CPS architecture and presents anevent-orientedreal-time architecture (EORTA) for CPS. CPS event is defined in words and formal method respectively. A CPS event is uniformly represented by a seven-tuples. According to the methods generating CPS Events, they are divided into Physical Event, Synthetized Event, Fused Event and Combined Event. Not only is EORTA characteristic of time-space, but also it can support the real-time QoS (Quality of Service) for CPS, which will meet the intrinsic real-time requirements of CPS.