Application of ant colony mixed algorithm in image enhancement

Hunan Technical College of Water Resources and Hydro Power, Changsha 410131, Hunan, China
Image enhancement is a method of image processing to highlight some information and weaken or eliminate some irrelevant information in the image or transform the original image into an image which is more suitable for humans or machines to perform analytical processing by using some specific methods. Applying intelligent algorithm in image enhancement, this paper has proposed a mixed algorithm, namely the genetic-ant colony mixed algorithm based on genetic algorithm and ant colony algorithm and found the optimal combination point between these two algorithms by analyzing theirtime-speed curves. Then it designs the algorithm for image enhancement, including the image pre-processing, the computational steps of the early genetic algorithm, and the connection of genetic algorithm and ant colony algorithm according to certain conditions and the operations of the later ant colony algorithm. The experimental simulation result shows that the algorithm of this paper is superior to simple genetic algorithm or ant colony algorithm and it greatly improves the visual effects of the image, effectively supplements the weak information of the image and reduces the influence of image overexposure for ease of the subsequent image processing.