Application of artificial fish swarm algorithm in image registration

Yang Wang1, Wei Zhang2, Hongxing Li3
1School of Economics and Management, Qiqihar University, Qiqihar161006, Heilongjiang, China
2The center of technology, Xian North Electro-Optic Co., Ltd, Shaanxi, 710043, Xian, China
3Measurements and Control Division, the 39th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Shaanxi, 710065, Xian, China
As one of the fundamental tasks of image processing, image registration is the premise of image fusion and target recognition. This paper has discussed the principle and the detailed description of artificial fish swarm algorithm; analyzed the convergence performance of the algorithm and the effect various parameters of the algorithm play on convergence; applied artificial fish swarm algorithm in image registration; adopted normalized mutual information as the registration similarity principle with artificial fish swarm algorithm as the optimization search strategy and proposed an image registration method based on mutual information and artificial fish swarm algorithm.The experimental result shows that it has higher accuracy and reliability as well as rapid speed and that it can effectively perform image registration to apply artificial fish swarm algorithm in the image registration.