Detecting trap region with assortativity measurement in temporal networks

Zheng Yi1, Liu Fang2
1College of Electronic Science Engineering, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing, 210003, China
2Jiangsu Open University, Nanjing, 210036, China
Based on the threshold model of Watts, the effect on cascade dynamics induced by temporal shuffling according to assortative structure was investigated in this paper. Two assortative rewiring schemes were introduced and explored, by considering the topological parameter of nodal degree and the average degree of nodal neighbors. Temporal behaviors are generated by edge breaking and rewiring, according to the assortativity coefficient of links. Analysis shows that the trap region on cascade dynamics identified by edge assortativity based on degree of the neighbors is better than the nodal degree-based one. The correctness of the analysis is validated with simulations on scale-free module networks.