Domain unlimited false data filtering scheme in wireless sensor networks

Domain unlimited false data filtering scheme in wireless sensor networks

Jinguo Zhao1, Qingyun Luo1, Xin Li1, Junbin Liang2


1School of Computer and Information Science, Hunan Institute of Technology, Hengyang

2School of Computer and Electronics Information, Guangxi University, Nanning

The false data filtering scheme of WSN has no way to detect the false data injected from the non-forwarding area of the compromised nodes. For this, two schemes are proposed in the article. The first one is that false data are filtered by combining the information of the forwarding path with threshold method. Each forwarding sensor not only checks the correctness of the MAC carried in the report, but also validates two security threshold parameters. The second one does not utilize the information of transmission path, but filter false data in the course of transmission, based on the distribution of secret keys in the whole key pool. Theoretical analysis and simulation experiment show that both the two schemes can detect the false data injected from any area on the network, with low energy consumption and high security.