Energy efficient routing protocol of wireless sensor network

Bing Lan, Bingbing Li, Xiang Li
Xidian University, Shanxi,Xi'an, 710071, China
The characteristics of traditional wireless sensor network (WSN) determine the constraint of its various properties. Combining the advantages of energy balanced and cross-layer optimized routing protocols, the paper proposed multiple-hop routing protocol of energy balancing, in whichcross-layer optimization as well asmulti-hop factor as a measure of the residual energy of cluster head nodes to make a reasonable judgment on its forwarded data. The constraint of multi-hop factor made cluster head nodes unable to forward information to the base station, thus balancing the energy consumption of the whole network and further optimizing the lifetime of sensor network nodes. Simulation results showed that the routing protocol could balance the energy consumption of the entire sensor network, which greatly prolonged the life cycle of wireless sensor network.