Energy-saving mechanism design for 6LOWPAN wireless sensor network

Jianjun Chen
Yuanpei College, Shaoxing University, Shaoxing312000, Zhejiang, China
Combined with the wireless sensor network and distributed multi IPv6, IEEE802.15.4 technology is introduced into the network design and wireless sensor network carries out seamless misaiming with the internet, finally a new 6LOWPAN wireless sensor network energy saving mechanism will be obtained, its mechanism combines with the comprehensive power of optical fiber line, wireless sensor network node distribution optimization multi distributed IP technology to design energy-saving model, and uses C language to program the algorithm. In order to test the effectiveness and reliability of energy-saving mechanism, the energy-saving wireless sensor network is built, and the integrated Contiki environment is developed, finally the use of Firefox browser with B/S architecture tests the energy-saving mechanism. Through the test, it can be found that when sending, receiving, idle and sleep in wireless sensor network, 6LOWPAN wireless sensor network can realize the network energy-saving effectively.