Influence estimation method of network factors in Internetware reliability

JingZhang1,2, HangLei1
1School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, 611731,China
2Computer School, Panzhihua University, Panzhihua,617000, China
The reliability of Internetwaresystem is greatly influenced by the network factors. In some classical reliability calculation methods, thecomponent reliability, the connection reliability between components, transition probability and so on, all are set into some fixed values, without considering the network factors. the mainfactors of network influence for reliability estimation are analyzed and researchedin Internetware system, according to these factors, the Markov characteristics of Internetwareis analyzed. Using the principle of DTMC and the minimum quadratic difference, the estimation method for reliability isproposed, the new models are defined, and the algorithm for reliability estimation is designed. The experiment proves that the presented method and the designed algorithm can effectively quantitative estimationwith great value in Internetware reliability analysis,also provides effective reference value.