Light weight one-time pad RFID bidirectional authentication protocol research

XiaohongZhang,JuanfengXiao, LifengDong
School of Information Engineering, JiangxiUniversity of Science and Technology, Ganzhou, China
Today the RFID system is widely applied in the open system environment, the communication between reader and tags is easily influenced by a various kinds of interferences and attacks, so the safety performance is threatened. This paper proposes a light weight one time pad RFID security authentication protocol, associates chaotic map with hash function. In the certification process,this protocol takes a filtering operation, reduces the back-end database search calculation load, and avoids pretence, retransmission attack, tracking and so on. At the same time, takes some flag variable of the RFID system as the initial value of chaotic mapping and parameters, combines with the certification process to make the original information position scrambling, then executes XOR or encryption. Experiment simulation results show that this scheme security relies on the RFID system itself parameters and encryption process, so can solve the RFID system problem of illegal access, forge coaxing, data leakage and so on.