Multi-hop routing design based on the asymmetric wireless sensor networks

Min Chen, Ang Li
School of Computer Science and Technology, Hunan Institute of Technology, Hengyang, China
In multi-hop wireless sensor networks, the information collected by the sensors requires to be transferred by the sensors. As each sensor has different positions, each sensor can withstand different pressure so that the network bottleneck is caused. In order to achieve the purpose of the load balance, all pressures in each layer sensor should be analyzed and the transmission distance should be adjusted according to the characteristics of the multi-hop wireless sensor networks in the past references. The sensor in each layer allows the data to be transferred to the next one or the next two layers so that the needed hops transferring the data can be reduced and the load can be loaded. The transmission distance rate in each layer just forms the Fibonacci sequence. The simulation results show that the proposed transmission distance adjustment strategy can indeed improve the whole network efficiency and the data delivery rate.