Research of QoS routing protocol for underwater wireless sensor network

Bin Liu1,2, Jianghong Han1
1School of Computer and Information, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
2Department of Computer Science, Qilu Normal University, Jinan 250202, China
With the constant strengthen of detecting activity underwater in recent years, the research of underwater wireless sensor has been gradually paid more attention to. This paper mainly introduces the basic concept, main advantages and network structure of underwater wireless sensor network and stress on analyzing the relative characteristics of the QoS routing protocol of current underwater wireless sensor network under the application background of large scale of hydrometry monitoring. Besides,it also elaborates network topology architecture and data forwarding mechanism of the QoS protocol and attempts to put forward the improved QoS protocol on the base of colony. And this QoS (Quality of Service) routing protocol selects the routing mechanism of a route or a dynamic routing protocol covering all kinds of QoS parameters according to the available network resources and business flow requirements of QoS with a extremely essential realistic research significance.