Research on general foundation platform based on MDA

Qingfeng Wu, Minwen Wu, Huailin Dong
Software School, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
With the rapid development of informatization in various industries, the needs of information systems for government and enterprise continues rising, and the scale and complexity of such systems is increasing as well. Therefore, lack of reusability and reliability has become one urgent issue in traditional software design. Based on the core idea of model-driven development, this paper designs a J2EE-based business platform which hasthree subs systems: model generation subsystem, workflow information subsystem and role-based permissions subsystem. The implementation and practice of this platform indicates that such software development method based on platform can significantly improve the development efficiency. The basis functional modules and workflow applications can be implemented by configuring the software.Through the built-in user management, menu management, rights management and other public module,the platform can greatly improve software reusability, reducing the development effort and achieving perfect results.