Spreading mechanism of underground mine fire based on the complex network

Na Lu, CaiwuLu
Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an, 710055, Shaanxi, China
Underground mine fire system often refers to an open and dissipative system with complex structure and behavior features. The purpose of this study is to investigate fundamental questions of structure, connectivity, information exchange and causality by complex networks to built system model and network model of underground mine fire. The complex network theory is employed to analyze model of underground mine fire network including the whole and individual attributes. The former consists of density, average degree, clustering coefficient and distance, while the latter contains degree centrality, betweenness centrality and closeness centrality. The relationship between nodes and disaster is gained, which has a great influence on fire network. The degree distribution of function is used to test and determine whether underground mine fire network has a small-world effect of complex network as well as scale-free property and network centrality to verify the underground mine fire system as a kind of complex network. Therefore, the topological structures of complex networks and changes of key parameters are applied to study evolution and spread dynamics of fire network.