Analysis of land-use change and its mechanism based on graphical information and statistical model

Jiafu Liu1,2, Ping Wang3, Bai Zhang1
1Northeast Institute of Geography and Agro ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130012, China
2College of Tourism and Geographical Sciences, Jilin Normal University, Siping, 136000, China
3School of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, 130024, China
Investigation of land-use change is important to economic development and analysis related to climate change. Using the spatial analysis tool in GIS, the land use change information was generated and analyzed quantitatively. Results indicate that: (i) The arable land gradually increased; the grassland and forestland decreased firstly but then increased gradually; there was little change on water surface and residential area; and unused area increased annually. (ii) Square index and fractal dimension of forestland, grassland and unused land increases when the area increases, however, nearly circular index decrease, area caused by the change of shape index and fractal dimension change is much less. (iii) We constructed a linear fitting of the graphic information of land use, this model fitted well the relationship between 1991~2000 land use change and its graphical information.