Analysis on the Development Trend of China’s Foreign Trade Structure based on Five Forces Model

Zong Xiaojian
International Trade Department, Shandong Vocational Institute Of Clothing Technology, Shandong Province, China, 271000
It becomes an inevitable era development trend to solve modernization construction by using new technologies. As a model often used to study enterprise competitiveness, Five Forces Model is applied to study development of China’s foreign trade structure in this paper. Five forces in the Five Forces Model take five important influencing factors of China’s trade structure, namely, China’s economic structure and changes, China’s economic policy adjustment, foreign economic structure and changes, foreign economic adjustment as well as word trade demand. Analysis results demonstrate that China’s foreign trade development will slow down in future. Export growth will decelerate, while import growth will accelerate, which will change existing trade deficit of China gradually. Moreover, technical level of import and export products will be increased. Attentions will be shifted to service export instead of resource and product export.