Application of optimized PLS-SEM measurement model and empirical research on Chinese cultural and creative industries competitive formation mechanism

Zeng Tao1, Wangbing Qi2
1School of Management, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an, China
2Shaanxi TCM College, Xianyang, China
Based on reviewing the PLS-SEM measure model, and summarizing the theory and reference of other scholars, the PLS-SEM measure model is optimized, in order to contain many latent variables and relatively scientific operations. At the same time, we make comments on the framework of industrial competitiveness referring to diamond model theory. Summarize the factors affecting the competitiveness of cultural and creative industry and measurement standard, and construct the framework of mechanism model for the formation of the cultural and creative industries’ competitiveness. Using PLS-SEM measurement optimization model’s 62 sets of data on Chinese provinces’ cultural and creative industry in 2011 and 2012 to do the empirical analysis. The final optimization model is verified rationally. The study finds that the ability of sustainable development, capacity requirement, the government support and the overall innovation capability influence on cultural and creative industries’ competitive strength are the most important keys.