Design of the differential chaos shift keying communication system based on DSP builder

Zhiping Liu1, Jinhua Zhang2, Hanyu Liu1
1School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, China, 454000
2Beijing Ripeness Sanyuan Instrumentation CO. LTD, Beijing, China, 100027
Chaotic communication has the good secrecy. It is an important branch of the modern secure communication. Differential chaos shift keying (DCSK) communication system adopts shift keying to separate the reference signal and data signal. It has a strong resistance to the multipath channel. For FPGA systems design shortcomings using a hardware description language directly, the DCSK communication system is proposed in DSP Builder software method. The simulation results show the correctness of the design system. The DSP Builder platform can be linked with FPGA seamlessly. It makes the development convenient for chaotic communication system design based on FPGA, and the designed DCSK communication system has practical value.