Developing Model of Public Physical Education Teaching Based on Mathematical Theory in the Perspective of College Students

Hongtao Guo1, Qingtao Wang1, Zijie Wang2
1 Teaching and Research Department of HeBei University, Hebei Baiding, China, 071002
2 Hebei University of Chinese Medicine, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, China, 050200
As an important part of college education, physical education (PE) teaching aims to enhance students’ health and physique. This is key factor accelerating students’ growths. PE combines with other subjects of education to cultivate varied talents required by sociology. In this research, the development of Sanda (free combat) teaching in the contemporary society was investigated based on Sanda teaching of modern college students. Firstly, this research conducted the statistics on the cognition degree of Sanda culture for college teachers and students to obtain satisfied results. So that the popularizing degree of Sanda culture in college teaching are recognized; afterwards, using correlation analysis and adaptive filter algorithm, the Sanda subject preferred by college students was analyzed. The results show that college students are likely to prefer Sanda subject which is characterized by low technical content and field limits due to the influence of technical content. The result indicates high stratifying degree and shows that the college teachers and students’ cognition to Sanda culture requires to be enhanced. In addition, the emphasis degree of Sanda teaching should be strengthened. This research provides development research of public PE teaching with a theoretical support.