Does biomass energy development affect the price fluctuation of international agricultural products?

S Cheng, Y Yang
School of Economics and Management, China University of Geosciences, Lumo Road 388, 430074, Wuhan, China
The price fluctuation of international agricultural products, especially the continuous rising of that, slows down the global economic recovery. In case that measures to control the price of food are not taken in each country, food crisis like the one happened in 2007-2008 would burst out more and more frequently. Based on the related studies, this paper found by building an econometric model that: 1. the uppermost factor that affecting the price fluctuation of the international agricultural products is the change in structure of supply and demand in the global leading market of agricultural products which is caused by the development of the biomass energy; 2. the domestic economic changes in United States do not affect the price fluctuation of the international agricultural products.