Dynamic coverage optimization for wsn based on ant colony algorithm

Yang Tao1 ,Sun Zeyu1,2, Zhang Yong3
1 Computer and Information Engineering, Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471023, China.
2 Electrical and information Engineering, Xi’an JiaoTong University Xi’an 710061, China
3 Mathematics and Computer, Chizhou University, Chizhou 247000, China
In order to better meet the coverage requirements, is presented based on Ant Colony Algorithm for solving the covering problem in geometry, mapping algorithm between the node and the target, effectively cover the use of mobile nodes in the part area coverage model, including process is through the node energy consumption nodes moving strategy to identify the network coverage, coverage hole process to eliminate or not completely covered, so as to realize the multiple coverage. The experimental results show that, the algorithm can not only use the minimum node to complete the effective coverage area of local, and through mobile strategy and scheduling nodes to balance the energy consumption of all nodes, prolong the network life cycle.