Educational Psychology Analysis Based on Dynamic Game Model

Wang Jian1, Wu Haiyan2
1 College of law and politics, Anhui Jianzhu University, Hefei, Anhui Province, China, 231100
2 Repair Company of Anhui State Grid, Hefei, Anhui Province, China, 230061
Accurately grasp students’ mental, is essential to achieve expected teaching objectives. From the psychological point of view, the behavior of students is generally bounded rationality, and its decisions are often influenced by other students. In this paper, make student as the research content, dynamic game model was constructed based on game theory to analyze whether herding effect swill occur in the process of student enrollment. In the model, investigated exchange proceeds, exchanges scope, cost factors and other conditions in student exchange process. Experimental results show that exchange proceeds is the most important factor to determine whether the student elective behavior will occur herding effect, in addition to the exchange scope, cost factors also have some influence on whether students form a herd mentality.