Emergency logistics vehicle scheduling based on improved differential evolution

Yazhou Shan1, Kaijun Wu1 ,Yuechun Wu2
1School of Electronic and Information Engineering, LanZhou JiaoTong Unversity, Lanzhou 730070, China
2 Department of Qingdao signal depot, Jinan Railway Bureau, Qingdao 266002, China
Emergency logistics vehicle scheduling is an issue of NP combination which possesses important practical value. In order to overcome the problems such as long computing time and easy to fall into local optimal solution for traditional heuristic optimization algorithm, an improved differential evolution is proposed. In the algorithm, a greedy algorithm is used to generate the initial population, legalized method is used to repair mutation and improved order crossover is used, then, a new selection mechanism is added in after the mutation operator. In the paper, the algorithm is used to solve emergency logistics vehicle scheduling problem, the mathematic mode which minimize total cost with the emergency time constraint is established and the solution algorithm is developed. The simulation results of example indicate that the algorithm can efficiently solve emergency logistics vehicle scheduling problem through the comparison of GA and the DE algorithm.