Empirical Analysis of the Influencing Factors of Human Resource Management Mode of Petroleum Enterprises in China

Jun Shi1, Xiantao Liu1, Guangjiu Chen2
1 School of Economics and Management, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China, 610500
2 CCDC Geological Exploration & Development Research Institute, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China, 610051
Human resource management is considered as a practical art. Enterprises in various industries have different human resource management modes. By taking Chinese petroleum enterprises as an example, empirical analysis was performed on the influencing factors of human resource management mode by conducting questionnaire investigation. Results show that there are 8 principle factors influencing the human resource management mode, which can be divided into three categories, including internal constraint factors, external constraint factors, and strategic interests. The research indicates that the construction of human resource management mode of adapting to current economy requires to be green and low carbon, the eight factors can be considered to reduce the blindness and repeatability of petroleum enterprises in human resource management and improve the management efficiency and effectiveness.