Energy consumption optimization method of cloud computing platform based on customer satisfaction

Chuansheng Xie, Xinyu Ren, Gerilemanda
North China Electric Power University, Beijing, 102206, China
With the global climatic change and the increasing dependence on energy, energy efficiency becomes one of the main obstacles entering the new era of green cloud computing. As a new high-end computation, green computing attracts extensive attention of people, which has great influence on the development of cloud computing. The paper analyzes factors satisfaction degree of cloud computing customers on cloud computing service, and proposes the fuzzy subjection function evaluating customer satisfaction. Based on the function, the objective is to maximize customer satisfaction and minimize cloud computing energy consumption, cloud-computing scheduling optimization model based on customer satisfaction is established, and customer value evaluation is the basis of selecting the weight coefficient of satisfactory function in the model. As cloud-computing scheduling optimization model based on customer satisfaction is multi-target optimization model, the paper optimizes objective functions in the model, uses linear weighting method to convert multi-target functions of the model into Single-objective functions, and applies improved genetic algorithm to solve the model. Finally the paper takes the examples to verify the effectiveness of the model and the algorithm.