Evaluating electric vehicles demand influence based on fuzzy extended AHP

Junchao Yang1, Liping Wang2
School of Economics and Management, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China
Vehicle emission is a hot issue for a big city health environment developing, and electric vehicle is a shortcut way to reduce the vehicle emissions. How to enhance electric vehicle’s demand in vehicle’s market is a multi-criterion decision problem. The aim of this paper is to identify and discuss some of the important critical indicators for the decision problem. A totally fourteen indicators are selected for the electric vehicle’s demand influence evaluation system from the aspects of vehicles’ performance, service and personal preference three aspects. Fuzzy extended analytic hierarchy process (FEAHP) is proposed solving the problem because it has the advantages of simple, less time taking and capture the vagueness of human thinking. Finally, a case study and the results show the proposed model is feasibility and effective for the evaluation.