Functional Relationship Model-based Research on Participation of Non-government Organization in Social Management Innovation

Huang Chuanli
College of Management, China West Normal University, Nanchong City, Sichuan Province, China, 637009
Participation of non-government organization (NGO) in social management is an inexorable trend of current social progress. Social management innovation needs NGO which can assist government in social management with their advantages. Studying participation of NGO in social management plays an important role in facilitating social prosperity, stability and development. Firstly, this paper analyzed the necessity and significance of NGO participation in social management. Secondly, development problems of NGO were discussed through function relationship and curvilinear relationship. Results demonstrated that development and perfection of NGO are the symbol of social maturity, and NGO is an essential component of the new social management with Chinese characteristics. Finally, suggestions on perfecting participation of NGO in social management were proposed.